Our General Membership Meeting is on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM in our post’s Patriot Hall, see the Patriot Hall section on this website for more details. NOTE: Until further notice our GMMs are being held by Zoom due to COVID-19.
The Dyer-Gunnell Post home sits on the site of the Civil War Star Fort constructed by Union forces during the period 1863-1865. We are members of the Virginia Civil War Trails. Our Post’s name, Dyer-Gunnell, pays tribute to two men from the Town of Vienna, VA, who gave their all for our great country in World War I. Corporal George Bryant Dyer and Private Clarence Leith Gunnell were both killed in action in France in 1918. See our History Page for more details on the Star Fort and our name sakes.