Global Alliance for Justice: The Ethiopian Cause

3401 Bluegrass Drive, Plano, Texas 75074
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Seventy-three years ago, fascist Italy carried out a systematic mass extermination campaign in Ethiopia with poison gas sprayed from airplanes and other horrific atrocities that claimed the lives of no less than 1,000,000 Ethiopian men, women, and children, including the entire monastic community at the historic Debre Libanos Monastery …from that time until now, no fascist Italian has ever been held accountable for the genocide of the Ethiopian people from 1935-1941, nor has the Vatican ever apologized for its complicity which is conveyed by Pope Pius XI’s support of Mussolini’s “civilizing mission” in Ethiopia: The Holy Father remained “conspicuously silent” while Vatican clergy blessed fascist military troops, and their weapons, before they departed to carryout Mussolini’s “civilizing mission” in Ethiopia. Mysteriously, the details of this horrific atrocity were, and continue to be, stricken from the annals of the world’s history books and United Nations genocide archives until this very day….such historical omissions make it appear as if the fascist genocide of the Ethiopian people never happened; consequently, justice for Ethiopia has remained a fleeting illusion for the past seventy-three years!