The Oroville Rescue Mission is a religious non-profit organization which serves the homeless and disadvantaged in the Oroville area and its surrounding communities. It is affiliated with the Association of Gospel Rescue Missions.
The Oroville Rescue Mission operates a homeless shelter with 24 beds in the Men’s Shelter and 14 beds in the Women’s & Children’s Shelter. The Mission serves three meals a day seven days a week and holds nightly chapel services. We give out blankets and clothing to homeless and disadvantaged people who come to us for help, as well as those who come to us for a shower and a safe place to sleep.
In addition to helping the homeless, the Oroville Rescue Mission distributes food boxes to needy families in the community. The Rescue Mission’s New Life Recovery Program is a Christ – Centered discipleship program for those in recovery and transition.
4250 Lincoln Boulevard, Oroville, California 95966
Limited Volunteer